Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Start Of All Things Blogged.


How is everyone today?? I hope this point in time finds you well. This is my first attempt at a blog since I was eighteen. Yes, it's been a while. Sometimes blogging is just the easiest way to keep in contact with people when phone numbers get lost or changed, emails disappear and folks become disillusioned with facebook or myspace (I'm not one of those people).
I suppose I should start this growing fiasco off with a little bit of updating and general knowledge bequeathing...

My name is Christina Barriball (soon to be Christiansen). I am a twenty-three year old college student, employee, and fiance to an Army Medic. The Medic's name is Tor (last name seen above). I guess this blog will include him a lot, maybe (there is some sarcasm in that sentence). For the past two months, my residency has been in Louisville, Kentucky. Prior to the Gateway to the South I resided in Mesa, Arizona. For twelve years. It's quite a long time to live somewhere and then pick up and move. Granted it was a move well worth the missed friends and general upheaval that comes with such things. But I digress, it was quite a big step for me.

I find myself surprisingly (yes, even to me) well adjusted to the entire situation. I know I was ready, emotionally, to move out of Arizona and on to bigger and better things... I went into this whole life change with open eyes and no illusions about what was expected of me - understanding. With a fiance in the Army, active Army, you've got to get used to the idea of moving... A lot. I'll maybe be in Kentucky for a year or two before we head off somewhere else, that is, if our plans all work out. And if they don't? Who knows! It's a little bit of a mystery!

And you know what? That doesn't scare me.

I think that's a sign to my blossoming maturity. Or maybe it's just that I've got a lot of preparation in the area of "it's unknown". Either way, it is what it is and we do what we can with it.

On that note, I start my new job as a Best Buy associate tomorrow. It's a bit of a downstep from my previous title of Verifier Manager at a company that centered around construction law... But it's extra cash and I'm sure I'll move up quickly. I tend to do that. No, I'm not bragging, it's merely a fact. A fact of life. The sun will rise and set. Christina will get promoted quickly. Granted, if any company could give me a run for my money with promotions it would be Best Buy. Only for the fact that NO ONE EVER LEAVES IT! I swear! You've got to have openings to move up TO in order to be promoted! Not likely, especially in the small store in which I work.

But, on that note, it is the perfect job to hold while I'm persuing my Bachelors degree! Low stress, steady work. What's better? Getting paid to play World of Warcraft maybe, but that's just my inner nerd coming out to say hi. That and I have to admit, I like the idea of still having free time to explore my new State of residency when the weekend warriors aren't out. The weather's been absolutely perfect to take up my re-discovered hobby of digital photography, too! It's fantastic to have something to photograph other than rocks and cacti.

Nika has adapted to apartment living VERY well! It helps that we bought Zoey to keep her entertained. They're a good match, though I still think the idea of two herding dogs was a misstep on our part (but a fun one). Actually, I think we've all adapted well. It seems like this was a move made in heaven. The Army gives us Basic Housing Allowance (BAH) even though we're not married. It's still the "Single Soldier" amount, but they didn't even have to do that much! We've meshed very well on our routines and getting settled together. And, the most interesting thing of all... I've discovered I can cook!

All and all, it's a good change and I like what the future holds. This is all I'm going to post for tonight, but it certainly isn't the end of the blog. Peace out cub scout.

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